Being in the moment, the now, the zone – mindfulness – the practise of training our minds to work with us and for us, rather than against us, is the super skill every Dad has the ability to develop, to make a lasting difference, for himself, his children and family. Thanks to our brother site and men’s practitioner and Associate Scout for the Phillies, Jon Carson, for his reading recommends on mindfulness for this list.
The Mindful Athlete, Secrets To Pure Performance, George Mumford
Not too far in the future George Mumford will be credited for writing the bible on the relationship between an athlete’s mind and their performance and potential. Told as a personal story and sprinkled with research and facts this is the book whose wisdom changed the lives of Kobe Bryant, Reggie Jackson, Scottie Pippin and Shaquille O’Neal.
Sacred Hoops: Spiritual Lessons Of A Hardwood Warrior- Phil Jackson
A close friend and colleague of George Mumford, Phil Jackson is no stranger to the benefits of maintaining calm, powerful presence. In this memoir Jackson reveals how he coaches his players to “act with a clear mind, not thinking, just doing; to live in the moment and stay focused in the midst of chaos and how to put the ‘me’ in the service of ‘we.’ Paradigm shifting reading.
Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics – Dan Harris – Jeff Warren
Imagine having a full on panic attack. Now imagine that same panic attack is happening live and being broadcast during a national newscast! This is what began Dan Harris’ journey into mindfulness which became an 18 state, rock bus tour where he was joined by Jeff Warren a masterful, meditation MacGyver and Canadian both on a mission to de-bunk every myth, mis-conception, or self deception there is about meditation and mindfulness. Don’t believe mindfulness will work for you – read this, and then contact us.
Waking Up: A Guide To Spirituality Without Religion – Sam Harris
Inside our minds lies all our potential and everything that might interfere or sabotage us from ever experiencing that potential. In an easy to read, sometimes humorous style Sam Harris dives into consciousness revealing how we are all connected to everything and everyone and how we are also limited by our mind’s necessity to promote ourselves in our reality. Harris promotes meditation and mindfulness as the way we get hooked on the spiritual rush of consciousness. We could all use more euphoria right now, right?
Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success – Carol Dweck
Carol Dweck, Ph.D., is one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of motivation and is the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Her research and work has focused on why people succeed and how to foster success. Mindset is her ground-breaking book based on her findings. Let’s just say that after you read this the terms ‘Growth Mindset’ and ‘Fixed Mindset,’ are going to become part of your everyday vocabulary along with a new view on yourself and the world around you.